Posted inanalog3 BeagleBone CAN
BeagleBone notes
How to login from MacOS: Connect to the BeagleBone by a USB cable. MacOS restart is necessary for some reason. SSH to WiFi setup: Use connmanctl as described in /etc/network/interfaces. root@beaglebone:~# connmanctl connmanctl> tether wifi disable Error disabling wifi tethering: Already disabled connmanctl> scan wifi Scan completed for wifi connmanctl> services Analog20 wifi_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_managed_psk connmanctl> agent on Agent registered connmanctl> connect wifi_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_managed_psk ... and so on Following links give useful information: (in Japanese) The wlan0 device power management can be turned off by # iwconfig wlan0 power off TBD how to turn this off permanently. Take SD backup Insert the SD into the MacBook "diskutil list" to know…